In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, software projects play a pivotal role in enhancing patient care, streamlining operations, and managing data efficiently. The successful execution of these projects hinges on various factors, and one of the most critical among them is effective ...

December 18, 2023
Ekreative Team
Ekreative Team
Digitalisation in healthcare services While other industries can afford to measure the success of their software in relation to sales conversions, upgrades, time-in-app or even click through rates, when it comes to the healthcare industry,...
May 21, 2021
Kyryl Abazher
Kyryl Abazher
So you want to future proof your app? Is that even a thing? Is it possible to build an app that can confidently face the future, without ever requiring updates? I once received a request for the development of a new website and among the va...
July 17, 2017
Kyryl Abazher
Kyryl Abazher

In the first part of this article I looked at how we go about making rough estimates for clients to use during the validation phase. Assuming they like what they hear, it’ll be time to move on to the detailed estimate. That could be a one or two step phase depending on the client. Let’s take a loo...

June 29, 2017
Kyryl Abazher
Kyryl Abazher

You’ve had a great concept for an app, perhaps you’ve found your core team or even got some investment.

May 31, 2017
Kyryl Abazher
Kyryl Abazher